Uninstall Easypanel
In this guide, we will take you through the process of uninstalling Easypanel from your system using the provided commands. Please follow the steps below to successfully remove Easypanel.
Step 1 - Removing Docker Services
To uninstall Easypanel, we first need to stop and remove the Docker services associated with it. Open your terminal and execute the following command:
docker service rm easypanel traefik
This command will stop and remove the Docker services named easypanel
, and traefik
from your system.
Step 2 - Removing Easypanel Files
Next, we need to remove the Easypanel configuration files. Execute the following command to delete the Easypanel configuration directory:
rm -rf /etc/easypanel
This command will recursively remove the /etc/easypanel
directory, along with all its contents.
Step 3 - Removing Docker Swarm
Finally, we need to remove the Docker Swarm configuration and cleanup the system. Execute the following commands:
docker swarm leave --force
docker system prune -a -f --volumes
The first command will remove the Docker Swarm configuration from your system and the second command will clean up any unused Docker volumes, images, networks, and dangling containers.
By following the steps in this guide, you have successfully uninstalled Easypanel from your system. Remember to verify that the Docker services have been removed and the Easypanel configuration directory is no longer present. If you have any further questions or need assistance, please feel free to reach out for support.