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1-Click installation template for Poste on Easypanel


Poste is a self-hosted mail server solution that provides a complete and secure email hosting platform. It offers built-in features such as spam filtering, DKIM signing, and webmail access to ensure a reliable email experience. This app is a Docker containerized version of Poste, making it easy to deploy and manage across various environments.


  • Self-Hosted Mail Server: Poste is a self-hosted email server solution that ensures privacy and data ownership. Users have full control over their email accounts, domains, and mail data without relying on third-party services.
  • Secure & Encrypted Communication: Poste includes built-in support for TLS encryption, DKIM signing, SPF, and DMARC to enhance email security and prevent phishing attacks.
  • Multi-Platform Support: The app is compatible with multiple architectures, including x86-64 and arm64, ensuring broad deployment possibilities.
  • Customizable & Extensible: Poste offers configuration options, allowing administrators to tailor the email server to their specific needs, including domain management, email filtering, and authentication settings.


  • Webmail Interface: Poste provides a user-friendly webmail interface, allowing users to access and manage their emails directly from a browser.
  • Spam & Malware Protection: The app includes built-in spam filtering and virus scanning to ensure incoming and outgoing emails are safe and free from malicious content.
  • Domain & Account Management: Administrators can easily create and manage email accounts, set up custom domains, and configure forwarding rules within the Poste dashboard.
  • Secure Email Protocols: Poste supports standard email protocols such as SMTP, IMAP, and POP3, ensuring compatibility with a wide range of email clients.
  • Easy SSL Integration: Poste simplifies SSL certificate management with built-in Let's Encrypt support, making it easy to enable HTTPS for secure email access.
  • Easy Deployment with Docker: Poste is containerized for quick and seamless deployment, simplifying the installation and management process.


NameDescriptionRequiredDefault Value
App Service Name-yesposte
App Service Image-yesanalogic/
Custom HTTP Port-yes8080
Custom HTTPS Port-yes8443
SMTP Relay-yes25
POP3 Port-yes110
IMAP Port-yes143
SMTP Port-yes465
SMTPS Port-yes587
Secure IMAP Port-yes993
Secure POP3 Port-yes995
Email Filter Port-yes4190


Poste Screenshot

Change Log

  • 2025-02-18 – first release


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